Mervyn |
Mervyn, tell us
a bit about yourself...
Although I was
born in Kenya some 86 years ago, my roots are in Goa, a former Portuguese
possession on India's west coast (now part of India).
After completing
my education, I took up employment in the Colonial Civil Service in Kenya,
working there for nearly 20 years. Moved to the U.K. in 1966 following the
Africanisation of my post in Kenya and worked in various private companies here
for many years.
Have been an
active member in my parish for nearly 50 years. In addition to volunteering
with ACN, I still enjoy writing for magazines both here and in Kenya.
Have also published two memoirs of my life and times in India, Kenya and the
U.K. I have been married now for sixty three years, and my wife and I have been
blessed with four children and eight grandchildren.
How long have
you been volunteering at the charity?
More than 20
How did you hear
about the charity?
It was in the
early 90’s that Neville Kyrke-Smith, the Charity’s National Director, made an
appeal in our parish outlying the work of this Catholic charity. I was
completely bowled over by Neville’s ‘art of gentle persuasion’ and enlisted in
the “voluntary army” almost immediately; I can hardly believe I’ve now been
with the charity for over 20 years, starting in rather “cramped” offices in
Carshalton Road, Sutton, moving later to a brighter office in Times Square, and
now in our own premises at Benhill Road, Sutton.
What role do you
play at Aid to the Church in Need UK?
charity has certainly grown since I first joined and, from a handful of
volunteers in the early days, we now number some 15 most of whom work in the
Trading department. Appeals made in
various parishes around the country by Neville and other Area Secretaries, plus publicity
of our work in the Catholic Press bring in a flood of requests from our regular supporters and
others too. These are normally in the form of donations –both large and
small, requests for Masses and orders for any number of religious and other
articles available from our catalogue. This is where we, volunteers, come in. Hundreds of ‘thank you’ letters
need to be sent out, orders for books and other items despatched etc. All this
keeps us busy, in between cups of tea/coffee!
Volunteers work
on different days on a rota basis but we all work as a team and certainly feel a sort of
bonding with our benefactors and persecuted Christians around the world. The
camaraderie among the staff and volunteers is simply wonderful and this in
itself makes our job all the more worthwhile.
Another aspect
of our voluntary work has been the privilege of meeting many of our
distinguished guests notably
at our Westminster event each year. This event is very popular and attracts
several hundred supporters not only at the concelebrated Mass but at the talks
in the hall that follow. Like many other volunteers, I have been very
privileged to meet some of our distinguished guests from many countries. It is always
interesting to hear first-hand accounts of the untold suffering their people
endure and to remind ourselves of how lucky we are to live in relative peace.
I was also
privileged to join two ACN pilgrimages to Walsingham some years ago and see at first hand
the living faith of the pilgrims. Such occasions are always very uplifting. When I see how
our charity has grown from that tiny ‘mustard seed’ planted many years ago by
our Founder, Fr. Werenfried van Straatan, I can’t but thank God for the guiding hand of this
saintly priest which is evident even today.
In the person of
Colette, we are lucky to have a very friendly and caring ‘boss’ to work with,
as also with her staff Deborah, Kerry and Bill.
However mundane
or routine our work may be, I feel I echo the sentiments of all our volunteers
when I say, ‘ we are only too happy to help in whatever way since, what little
we are doing is, in a way - to quote the saintly Blessed Teresa of Calcutta-
Why do you think
people should support the work of Aid to the Church in Need?
A retiree had
once described himself as being “rudderless in retirement” but went on to say,
“Please don’t
suggest I take up golf or gardening; both bore me to tears”! Well, I
in quite the
same category but, like most retirees always wanted to give back to society
what the world had given me. What better way than doing a voluntary job I
Do you have a
message for the persecuted Church?
I admire the
courage and resilience displayed by our persecuted brethren despite the
difficult situations they find themselves in. Their deep faith is an
inspiration to us all, and I want them to know that they are not alone in their
suffering -they remain in our thoughts and prayers always.